Tuesday, 4 January 2011

New Flash Fiction eZine

Are you familiar with flash fiction?

It's a phenomenon that might sound new to you, but it really isn't. Flash fiction is a special kind of short story. Usually it is defined by how many words are used.

Duotrope allows up to 1,000 words for stories it classifies as flash fiction, but some publications and contests will limit the writer to a much smaller number, sometimes as low as 100 or 200 words. If we look at it this way, classic works such as Aesop's Fables or perhaps even the Just So Stories could be considered flash fiction.

Author and editor Jolie Du Pre has launched a new online flash fiction publication, called Leodegraunce. Submissions must be no longer than 200 words. Each month there will be a different theme to write on. The theme for February 2011 is Persistence.

Please visit the Leodegraunce web site for submission guidelines, or to submit your work. The next deadline is January 24th, so you have plenty of time to try your hand at this style of writing!

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